Manuel Visser
Conductor & Violist
Knowledge will bring you far,
but imagination
will bring you everywhere!
Albert Einstein
CREAMO is an Amsterdam based, flexible group of carefully selected and creative musicians of the highest level.
The shared qualities are an open mind and borderless imagination which lay the fundaments for exciting concerts and inspiring events.

'The Nightingale'
'The Nightingale' by Theo Loevendie
For the Groningen Chamber Music Festival 2024, CREAMO performes 'The Nightingale' a piece for narrator and ensemble by composer Theo Loevendie.
29 December 2024, 14h
Lutherse Kerk Groningen, the Netherlands.
Nienke Nasserian narrator and singer
Emmy Storms, violin
Beltane Ruiz Molina, double bass
Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, clarinet
James Aylward, bassoon
Sebastiaan Kemner, trombone
Sven Berkelmans, trumpet
Tatiana Koleva, percussion